After several years of waiting the Ave high speed train was inaugurated in June 2019.
The high speed train called the Ave has been in operation between Granada and Madrid since June 26th 2019. The journey from Granada to Madrid takes 3 hours five minutes. There is also e a slower train stopping at stations along the way which adds 20 minutes to the journey.
The distance by AVE train from Granada to Madrid is 510km. By road the distance is only 420km and it takes around 5 hours.
The journey time between Madrid and Granada is increased because there is an area around Loja of about 30km with a speed limit of 30km per hour. This is because the train has to pass though a nineteeth century tunnel.
There are three trains each way every day between Granada and Madrid.
The train From Madrid leaves at 7.20am (7.35am on Saturdays and Sundays) and at 2.35pm and 7.35pm.
From Granada, trains leaves at 7.10am, and at 3pm and 7.19pm.
There is also one direct train each day each way between Granada and Barcelona, leaving Barcelona at 6.50am and from Granada at 3.35pm, a total journey time of 6 hours 25.
These trains connect travellers, without stopping in Madrid, from Granada to Zaragoza (4 hours 30 minutes), Lleida (5 hours 10 minutes) or Tarragona (5 hours 50 minutes).
All the trains to and from Granada will stop at Cordoba – four each way daily – a journey of 1hour 30 minutes.
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